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National Bible Publishing Month

National Bible Publishing Month is a coordinated effort to focus on the role and responsibility of the local church to provide the printed Word of God for this generation as well as the next. God's plan throughout history has been to preserve and publish His Word through His people. Consequently, the church must be actively involved in that work today. Bearing Precious Seed has the capability to do the printing; however, through National Bible Publishing Month we invite churches to come alongside by providing the necessary funds to purchase paper.

All funds raised for National Bible Publishing Month are used exclusively to purchase paper to print New Testaments and whole Bibles. No funding is used for promotion, postage, salaries, or even ink; everything goes to buy paper. This year’s goal for NBPM is $200,000, the amount needed to purchase paper to print Bibles for the intended projects. Meeting these Scripture needs will require about 8 1/2 truckloads of paper, containing 36 rolls per truck. Each truckload of paper costs an estimated $46,640. We are asking the LORD to supply the funds through His people. Please pray about what part you might have in realizing this goal.

Check out the sample materials!